Final Words

So here we are, probably back home sitting behind your computer and trying to get over your post-eyp-depression or, more specifically, post-DEVE-depression. I am pretty sure that right now your computer screen shows the blog and most likely facebook too. It is the usual routine for every eyp’er after a session as is spending hours watching every single photo from the session and posting funny, sweet or emotional comments on them. Some of you might take a shot sharing your experiences with your friends and family in order to feel a little better. My experience with that, it just doesn’t work. Somehow other people do not get that specific atmosphere and feeling from a session, they ask you why you like EYP so much and that you shouldn’t exaggerate it. Personally, I keep my EYP life apart from that back home and reserve it for my friends in EYP. We are a special breed in these terms and overcoming a PED is best done by simply planning your next session. I hope the photos and videos that I have uploaded for you will keep your EYP hunger stilled until you apply to your next session, because now that you have really tasted it there is no going back. Like Morpheus said to Neo, “you can either take the blue pill and go back to sleep or choose the red one and be sure that there is no way back and your life changes forever”. You have just taken the red pill.

With love,

Your journo

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